Covid-19 Policy
Always concerned with ensuring everyone's safety, a strict protocol specific to this exceptional health situation has been implemented throughout our establishment.
Here is the list of actions implemented.
The tents are completely disinfected at the departure of each guest.
Frequently touched surfaces are disinfected several times a day throughout our premises with antiseptic wipes, disinfectants or bleach solutions: door handles, tabletops, pouffes, bedside tables, switches, flush buttons, toilet seats, taps, etc.
The cleaning staff is systematically equipped with masks and gloves. Used gloves and masks are replaced between each tent.
The key to your tent is previously disinfected, we ask you to keep your key with you throughout your stay, and to leave it in your tent on the day of your departure.
All of the linen is washed at 60 ° C using virucidal disinfectant products.
Our employees have been trained to follow strict prevention instructions: wash their hands with soap regularly, disinfect their hands when entering the camp, cough or sneeze in a tissue or their elbow, use a single-use/disposable tissue, and respect social distancing guidelines as much as possible.
Kitchen staff work with masks and disposable gloves, which they change regularly.
Employees who are in contact with food supplies (purchasing, cooking and service) have a Health Card issued and controlled by the Moroccan administration.
All the food supplies we use come from suppliers subject to the same hygiene procedures as our establishment.
The kitchen is equipped with a cleaning and disinfection plan, the correct daily execution of which is recorded in a compulsory register.
In the dining room, a safe distance is kept between the tables.
Meals and snacks can be served in the tent upon request in advance.
The transport provided for your camp transfers is bound to respect the rules of precaution: disinfected vehicles and trained drivers. Capacity is set at 75%.
Hydroalcoholic gel is available at the reception, in the bedroom tents and in the dining room.
A total and meticulous disinfection of the public areas is carried out before check in is opened each day, using a disinfecting product complying with standard NF EN 14476 effective in the fight against Coronaviruses and specifically against Covid-19.
Masks are available if you do not have your own.
Payment online in advance is requested for the payment of your stay, we will only accept cash as a last resort.
Just as your safety and welfare is of the utmost importance to us, so is the safety of our team. In many areas of Morocco including the desert, there have been almost zero cases of Covid-19 and we do not want to risk infection of the local population. Therefore we ask you to comply with all our protocols regarding safe distancing, hand washing and mask wearing.
You need to make sure you bring face masks and antibacterial hand gel (preferably alcohol based) that will last for your stay. We will also have extra supplies of these items if required.
Questions, suggestions or concerns? Please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Tiziri Camp is a trading name of B-Travel Morocco.Sarl a Moroccan company registered by the Ministry of Commerce – company number 10567 Takojt, Merzouga, Errachidia, Merzouga, 52202, Morocco
© Tiziri Camp 2025